Thursday, March 1, 2018

ho-bag encounter

It’s too early for Spring...but it’s here – at least it’s here for now in the Ohio River Valley.  Temperatures have consistently been above 50 degrees (F) for two weeks, so now what?  The daffodils, Dutch iris, and snowdrops are blooming, my lilac bush has leaves, and the maple trees have their little red leaf buds.  Fortunately, my apple and cherry trees aren’t showing signs of life.  I’m A-OK with Spring coming early, but it’s tragic if we get a hard freeze once things bloom out.  Last spring, a late freeze destroyed most of the apple crop.  We had much fewer apples, but the survivors were bigger.  It was definitely not an even trade off.

My daffodils
happy Dutch iris

It’s on my mind to order seeds this weekend.  Having spent all winter drooling over the seed catalogs, I can’t say that I’m any closer to deciding what to order.  I’m half-tempted (perhaps 75% tempted) to plant some flowers in my raised bed this year.  Of course, there will be radishes, carrots, onions, and lettuce...but I think the rest could be pretty, well, hopefully pretty.
I had a class this morning, and now the entire afternoon is mine to do whatever.  Retirement is grand, to say the least.  There is plenty (really, PLENTY) to do, but I don’t want to do any of it.  Sometimes I get like that.  Maybe what I really want to do is turn on the TV and fall asleep on the couch.  That’s a tremendous waste of a day and something I rarely indulge in, but it’s tempting.
Yesterday after classes, I stopped at the grocery store on the way home.  I only needed a few items, so it was supposed to be a quick trip – in and out – which it was until time to drive away.  I no more than turned the engine on to flee the parking lot, when a cart rolled up alongside my car (from behind) on the driver side and wedged itself tightly under the side mirror.  What the hell?  I looked in the rear-view mirror to see a woman getting into her big red-neck truck across the aisle – the only vehicle behind me at all.  I wanted to jump out and let her know of my displeasure, but guess what? I was trapped. I couldn’t open my door.  I rolled the window down and was unable to push the cart in any direction.  I could climb out over the console and get out the passenger side, but the passenger seat had groceries and other shit piled up on it (more than I wanted to move out of the way).  Ultimately, I climbed into the back seat and escaped out the passenger side just as the lady was driving off, I didn’t even get her license plate number...unfortunately.  Yes – she gave me a giant scratch on the back fender and the whole length of the back door.  A scratch on the front door resulted when I wrestled the cart loose from under the mirror.  It’s an old car, so it’s not the new damage that upsets me.  It’s the fact that she saw that it happened, she was fully aware it was her fault, and she just drove off without giving a shit.  I walked the cart over to the corral and secured it there for her...F’ing lazy-ass ho-bag.  She was at least 20 years younger than me, and closer to the corral too.
Next week is spring break for University #1.  I am grateful.  Enrollment is way down at University #2, so I don’t have much going on there right now – just three small classes.  Now is the time for me to update my CV and apply for more work.  Now is the time for me to get a jump start on some serious Spring cleaning.  Now is the time for me to shop for a dress to wear to Sarah's wedding.  But first....I’m going to go see what’s on TV and take a nap.          

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