Tuesday, May 21, 2024


With University #1 on summer break (well almost…I am on “vacation” until summer break starts), I have a bit of breathing space to work in the yard and garden, take my dogs for longer walks, and putter around…whatever that becomes. Wasting time (puttering around) is truly, sometimes at least, the best use of time.

I got up at 6:45 this morning which is 45 minutes later than usual since I’m not working for University #1 just now, and did my morning ritual which takes about 50 minutes on average. Then, I came downstairs and let my dogs out for their morning rituals, which includes a few minutes of ball fetching for Mick and Gracie making rounds to see if we have any cats or raccoons on property.  Then, I fed the dogs and watered all my plants on the back porch. A daggone Carolina Wren has built her nest in a flowerpot again. *sigh* I hate when they do that. Then I checked emails for my jobs, and took dogs for a long morning walk…because it’s going to be too hot to take them this afternoon. Once back home, I put out my hummingbird feeder because surely it’s just about time for them to return.  I added seed to my other feeders because I love hearing the birds in the mornings.

 my porch jungle

I pulled out my relatively-new weed whacker and went to work on some weeds that are overgrowing the backyard. Then I cleaned the bird bath and watered my raised bed garden where I’m trying to grow some carrots and lettuce from seed. The carrots are up, but the lettuce is still a no-show.

Things are getting done. I was so pleased with my weed-whacker purchase (from Amazon), that I bought an electric tiller for Someone, also from Amazon. Despite his shoulder surgery, he was able to use it in the garden and was quite pleased with it. I’m hoping to plant our corn and beans today. We always plant late…unfortunately.

I remember life before Amazon. When you needed something, you went to “the store” and just bought whatever they had in stock. If it was too expensive, you waited and hoped it would go on sale, or you made some kind of substitution for what you wanted. Large department store chains like JC Penney and Sears sent out catalogs which were oftentimes wish books, but I can remember many times ordering drapes, bedding, and sometimes clothes from a catalog. You used a telephone, spoke to a human, and placed an order. They mailed you a bill if you didn’t have a credit card with them. Typically, you could have your merchandise within a few weeks.

Now with the Internet, it’s almost as if you can buy ANYTHING your heart desires and have it within days. I’m sure I did some online shopping before Erin and Emily were born, but after trying to take them shopping in a double stroller for the second time, I made friends with online shopping. I’m so used to it now that it’s my preferred method to shop. Lord, when I walk into a store now, there are so many distractions, and it just takes me too long. Also, it’s so easy to buy things impulsively.

Currently, I’m awaiting delivery of a patio dining set: table and six chairs. Some assembly required, of course, and no doubt that will take a good day assuming all the holes are drilled correctly and the screws are threaded as they should be. I looked at dining sets at our local Lowes store and online at several sites. Finally, back to Amazon, I found something good enough. Truly, anything I bought would be better than what we currently use – a 30+ year old plastic table and chairs that are discolored and cracked in places. The table legs are duct-taped. in two places. It's all pretty pathetic.  

Last night, I made a special trip to Wally-World (Walmart) to buy the cheapest possible rubber-backed rug runner. I need it to prevent scratching the roof of my car when I load my kayak. Our Walmart did not have any runners beyond 5 feet long, and the ones they had were about $25.  I checked Amazon on my phone (while in Walmart) and decided to order online. I found a 7-foot runner for $15. Yes, it’s ugly as sin, but I don’t care. It’s going to have mud and filth on it whenever I use it. It’ll be fine (and I’m supposed to have it by Thursday). Add to my to-do list, install kayak cradles on my Prius. Cradles were purchased two years ago (not from Amazon), but I never used them because I’ve had a mini-van to haul my kayak in until recently.

The lake is calling me, but not today my beautiful place. I have a tee-time within a few hours. My golf-addiction won out.

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