Sunday, May 19, 2024

Welcome, Baby Elizabeth

Who boy! Yesterday morning started off like spring, but by the end of it and starting today, we are in hard-core summer. Of course, the weather will change again, but for the next few days, the weatherman says we’ll have sunshine and hot temperature (near 90). GIVE ME summer in May. Life is splendid.

Someone and I visited Sarah and her kids at Park Lake yesterday. Yes, you heard me correctly – kids. She and her husband, D, have two of them now.  Baby Elizabeth, the sweetest little sugar cookie on the planet, was born on March 22.  She was 8.5 pounds and 20” long - a strong, healthy baby with lots of dark hair. Giving birth is no walk in the park for anyone, but Sarah was a trooper.  She did not have the problems she experienced with birthing Catherine. Thank you for that, God.

I was privileged to stay with Catherine at her house while Sarah and D were at the hospital bringing Elizabeth into the world. I enjoy our alone time because it gives us time to get to know one another on a deeper level. Catherine has a great sense of humor, and she loves to play…anything and everything.  At the same time, she is two years old and as headstrong as they come, as most kids are at age two. Little tyrants who cannot be reasoned with and who expect to be the center of everyone’s universe at all times – that is typical for age two. It’s OK, she’s totally adorable. I adore her.

Welcome Elizabeth...a few days old

Catherine meets her new sister. 

As is Miss Elizabeth, totally adorable. Just as her big sister was, Elizabeth is a very good baby. She cries mostly only when she is hungry, or needs changed. When she’s awake, she looks around and gazes at things that catch her attention. She smiles sometimes when I talk to her. Her eyes are gigantic, and she still has lots of dark hair. She and Catherine look very much alike.

The many faces of Elizabeth

Someone came with me to Park Lake yesterday. It was very unexpected, but when he asked if he could come along, I couldn’t say no. Someone is still recovering from rotator cuff surgery he had last December. Just last week, his insurance finally cut him off from physical therapy.  He started playing tennis again a few weeks ago, but he still can’t play golf. He can’t go kayaking with me. He’s cut back on hiking because he’s afraid of falling and hurting his shoulder. We take lesser hikes together and it’s fine because Gracie is getting old and she can’t walk and climb hills like she used to. Mick plods along with us, but he’s no spring chicken either.  I’m happy to kayak and golf without him, but I think Someone gets lonely here by himself. I’ve been telling him he needs to figure out his life before he retires in December (2024) because I will not be his entertainment director and it’s not good to sit and watch TV as much as he does these days.

Elizabeth naps in the shade at the lake

We had a pleasant visit with Sarah and the babies at the lake. Catherine wanted to go swimming and she was even brave enough to sit down in the edge of the water and lay back on the cold sand. Someone and I shed our shoes and socks and waded out, ready to rescue Catherine if she should actually “go swimming” and need help. Fortunately, that did not happen. That water was COLD.  Mostly, she played in the muddy sand and threw sticks and such. It was a perfectly brilliant day.   

Sarah wraps Catherine in a nice warm towel

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