Monday, April 23, 2007
paradise in Carter County
Thursday, April 12, 2007
happy music
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I suppose I should start looking at airfare to Vegas for the UFAF convention this summer. Also, need to pencil in a weekend to visit Dad at the lake. We didn't go last summer, there weren't enough weekends. We also need at least one weekend for camping.
I downloaded some more iTunes stuff last night (and yes, did a backup...I have learned). I could blow a whole paycheck out there, I think. I've ripped every thing I like that I already own (that isn't seasonal). Our next PC will have a DVD takes 3 CD's to back up our iTunes music. I feel like a disc monkey.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Back to the Grind
I've set a goal to run the 5K Summer Motion race this summer. I can run 2.5 miles on a treadmill now, so I have 3 more months to get ready which should be plenty of time. It's a lot harder to run outside than to run on a treadmill though. I will get there, it's just going to take some work.
My iPod is back, and I will run a backup of our library and playlists tonight. Emily spent her iTunes gift card (compliments of Easter Bunny) Sunday night. I have a stack of not so great CD's to look through and see if there's anything worth ripping. I have used a little more than a gig of my free space so far. Podicus Maximus is becoming my best friend.
Friday, April 6, 2007
ipod is on the mend
My poor iPod is getting better. SOME LITTLE GIRL deleted a bunch of my music and when we sync'd up, we lost a lot. I have recovered about 80% of it by now and hopefully be tonight the iPod will be happy again.
I saw the property I had hoped would be my dream place. It's close, but not the place I want to dive into debt for. The log portion of the house is indeed awesome. The rest of the house needs lots of work. I love the location, it's back in a hollow, you pass lots of horses and cattle to get to it. The down side, there is another house 50 feet away, owned by the house owner's uncle. Even though he is rarely home (he travels a lot), if he were to sell the property and people were to live there, it would be a bummer. Also, you have to cross the uncle's property to get to the lake. No access to the lake from this property. Also, the property is very rocky and steep. The hills are of course beautiful, but it would be a very difficult hike to enjoy 95% of the land I'd be buying. I will keep looking.
I must now put eggs on to boil. We are going to color eggs for Easter.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Monday, April 2, 2007
severe spring fever
Which reminds me, I need to call about that acreage at Grayson. I don't really want to go into debt like that but that's the only way I can acquire my dream. I'm also sure that 35 acreas is not enough to get out where I can't hear cars and sirens, but that depends on what's around the area, where-ever that property is.
My Sarah is singing tonight and I know she will be awesome. I wish I could hear her, but she knows I will be thinking about her. I hope she feels better soon, I'm so sorry she is sick.