Monday, April 23, 2007

paradise in Carter County

The weather this weekend was divine. We took Erin to a karate tournament in Olive Hill and then drove over to Carter Caves for a picnic and a walk. Some pics of that adventure, first of all, I snapped off one while I was laying on a grassy bank while the kids played in the creek:

The girls played in the creek and climbed rocks. We found a little waterfall which was pleasant. We walked through a big cave which the creek flows through. We found a log fallen across the creek and the girls took turns trying to walk across. It's up pretty high on one end..nobody was brave enough to go all the way across.

I found a use for my ceramic baboon head Sarah crafted for me. Here's a picture of him listening to my iPod (you can tell he likes the music I chose for him). He has a dual purpose in life - he can hold my cooking tools and he's a paper weight of sorts - holding mail against the wall.

I called about another farm in Lawrence County. This one sounds alike a dream but it's got buildings (barn and shed) and double wide 4 bedroom 3 bath trailer. It's more expensive than our house, so I can't afford it. It has 45 acres of bottom land (cleared) and about 25 acres of woods. I could have a massive pumpkin patch and orchard there, but it's about $150,000 over the price limit. Sigh.

1 comment:

Sarah Wood said...

I hope you find a farm soon. I'm glad you and the girls had fun too. The monkey seems happy with his new role in life, he didn't like being buried under papers on the kitchen table. I'm going shape note singing this weekend, make emily post.